Speaker placement – ADAM Audio Epsilon Active Version Benutzerhandbuch

Seite 7

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Tensor Epsilon (Active Version) Manual

/ english

The proper positioning of your loudspeakers is of extreme importance to the sound
quality. We would therefore like to give you some advice concerning room acoustics
and the setting up of your loudspeakers. Since every room is unique, we can only offer
general recommendations.


Room acoustics

Room acoustics come down to essentially three aspects:


Reverberation: The ‘sound’ of a room is to some extend a result of its reverbera-
tion, i.e. to how the sound waves are reflected. Soft furniture (like carpets, cur-
tains, or sofas) tends to absorb sound waves, especially higher frequencies. Hard
materials like stone or glass reflect sound waves almost entirely. In general, rever-
berant rooms are rather unforgiving in terms of authentic music reproduction due
to the great number of reflections.


The room dimensions: The volume of a room is the second important aspect of its
acoustics. The same loudspeaker will sound different in different sized rooms with
similar sonic characteristics. Therefore, the size of your room partly determines
the positioning of your loudspeakers.


The listening distance: The distance between the listener and the sound source
is the third crucial aspect in loudspeaker positioning. If this distance is either too
great or too small, the sound will be compromised.


General recommendations

Please make sure that there are no obstacles in the way from the monitor to your
ears. You should be able to see the speakers completely.

The distance to the surrounding walls should be at least 40 cm to avoid early
reflections, which will degrade the sound.

The loudspeakers should be aligned with the listener’s position.

Please note that vibrating parts of nearby objects can mask the sound.

3. Speaker Placement
