Operation manual, General information, Transfer protocol – Baumer NE134 Benutzerhandbuch

Seite 9

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Operation Manual

Interface Description for
NE134 Program 01

1. General Information

The serial interface can do the same functions as counter display and keyboard. The interface enables calling off
data or alteration of parameters programmed. Normally the counter is PC- operated when working with interface,
that’s why in the following we call the external device shortly PC. However, any other device with similar
characteristics may be used.

2. Transfer Protocol

The data transfer is realized sign by signs in ASCII-Code. Each sign consits of 8 Bit.. Bit No. 8 is the so-called
Parity Bit, in case of „no Parity“ Bit No. 8 is always transferred as zero. Each time on request by PC, the counter
transfers via serial interface the corresponding reply, provided the data transfer was effected correctly.
The transfer of signs is released by the start sign<STX> and finalized by the stop sign<ETX>. In addition, after
the <ETX> the counter is transmitting <CR> (carriage return) which allows reading in of a complete data block
with one command (in standard computer language as BASIC).
<STX> is followed by an address assigned to the counter. Thus, the counter can be specificly addressed in
serial network. After the address the line (position) to be read out or programmed is defined. A programming
command is followed by „P“ (programming) and the data (parameters).

The protocol is split into 3 groups as outlined below:

a) Reading of storage places (READ command):

<STX> address line <ETX> [<CR>]

b) Programming of storing lines (WRITE command):

<STX> address line P data <ETX> [<CR>]

c) Special commands:

<STX> address parameter <ETX> [<CR>]

<STX> Start of Text (02Hex)
Address 00..99 (device address)
Line 01..XX (see operating plan)
P Programming command
Data Programming data
Parameter Special commands
<ETX> End of Text (03Hex)
<CR> 0DHex (control sign "carriage return")
"CR" not imperative (optional) but always sent back
by the counter.


General <STX> address line <ETX> (address=35; line=02)
Ascii <STX>3502<ETX>
Hex 02H,33H,35H,30H,32H,03H

Important! The space between the individual signs of each command serve only for better depiction and have to
be entered by PC without space. Control signs (inferior 20 Hex) are depicted in paranthesis. Should the PC send
out a wrong protocol, the error message is returned by the counter provided it still remains in responsive status
(see chapter „error messages“ on page 5).
