LEICA MP 0.72 Rangefinder Camera (Silver) Benutzerhandbuch

Seite 99

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System accessories for the LEICA MP

Interchangable lenses

The Leica M system is ideal for fast and candid
photography. The range of lenses incorporates
focal lengths from 21 to 135 mm and speeds up
to 1:1.


In black and white photography, filters are used
for controlled rendition of tonal values, e.g. to
achieve a rendition of the grey scale values for
the different colors that correspond to the
natural feeling, or to improve the rendition of the
sky or clouds. In color photography, filters can be
used to adapt color rendition as required or to
the spectral sensitivity of the film used.
A range of different filters, equipped with
standard filter thread sizes, are available for the
current LEICA M lenses, including a circular
polarizing filter.
When the exposure is metered through the lens,
the reduction in the quantity of light through
the filter is automatically taken into account.
However, different films have a different sensiti-
vities in the individual areas of the spectrum.
Therefore, more dense or extreme filters may
cause deviations from the metered exposure. For
example, orange filters normally require a com-
pensation of one stop, red filters around 2 stops
on average. It is not possible to provide a gener-
ally applicable value, as black and white films
have very different sensitivities to red.
