Reading out the adjusted ip address – Guntermann & Drunck DL-Vision(M/S) Benutzerhandbuch

Seite 109

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G&D DL-Vision(M/S) · 43


Reading out the adjusted IP address

If the IP address of a copmuter module or a user module is unknown, a terminal

emulator (for example HyperTerminal oder PuTTY) can be used to read it out.

Use the supplied service cable tp connect the computer on which the terminal emu-

lator is installed to the Service socket of the computer module and the user module.

How to read out the preset IP address of the device:

1. Turn the device off.

2. Start the terminal emulator.

3. Enter the following conection settings:

Bits per second: 115.200

Data bits: 8

Parity: None

Stop bits: 1

4. Turn the device on and read the IP address in the terminal emulator.


Before establishing a conenction to the terminal emulator, install the

CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP

device driver.

This driver provides the Service socket of the


system as virtual serial

interface (COM port). The virtual interface can now be selected to establish a con-

nection to the terminal emulator.
The driver can be downloaded at


Downloads > Driver


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