2 general product information, 3 important information about the manual, 1 chemical and biological safety – Hach-Lange TENSETTE plus User Manual Benutzerhandbuch

Seite 8

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General Information


1.2 General Product Information

The Hach TenSette plus has been designed in accordance with the

current state of the technology and the acknowledged safety


Nevertheless, under certain circumstances users may be at risk, or

the proper functioning of the instrument may be impaired.

1.3 Important information about the manual

The manual contains all the information needed to enable the

instrument to be operated without any problems throughout its


Such adherence results in less down-time and lower repair costs, and

increases the lifespan of the instrument.

The copyright to this User Manual remains with the manufacturer.

The Manual contains instructions, notes and drawings of a technical

nature, which may not, either in full or in part, be



used without authorization for competitive purposes or

communicated in any other way.

1.3.1 Chemical and Biological Safety


Handling chemical samples, standards and reagents can be

dangerous. Users of this product are advised to familiarize

themselves with safety procedures and the correct use of

chemicals, and to carefully read all relevant Material Safety Data


Normal operation of this instrument may involve the use of hazardous

chemicals or biologically harmful samples.

The user must observe all cautionary information printed on the

original solution containers and safety data sheet prior to their


All waste solutions must be disposed in accordance with local

and national law.
