Dell Intel PRO Family of Adapters Benutzerhandbuch

Seite 18

background image

DiskID = 0
PartitionID = 1

Path = \\Server\PushWS8\intel.wim

DiskID = 0
PartitionID = 1

AcceptEula = true
FullName = LADV
Organization = Intel Corporation

Key = <geeigneten Schlüssel eingeben>
WillShowUI = OnError

HideEULAPage = true
ProtectYourPC = 3
SkipMachineOOBE = true
SkipUserOOBE = true

InputLocale = en-us
SystemLocale = en-es
UILanguage = en-es
UserLocale = en-us

UILanguage = en-us

Description= Enable built-in administrator account
Order= 1
Path= net user administrator /active:Yes

Enabled = true
LogonCount = 5
Username = Administrator

<sicheres Kennwort>

Description= Begins silent unattended install of Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager
Order= 1
CommandLine= %systemdrive%\WMIScr\Install.bat
