HP OneView Benutzerhandbuch

Seite 288

background image

# creates a new webrequest with appropriate headers
$taskResourceJson = setup-request -Uri $fullTaskUri -method "GET" -accept "application/json" -authValue
$authValue -isSilent $true
# converts the response from the Appliance into a hash table
$taskResource = $taskResourceJson | convertFrom-Json
# checks the status of the task manager
$status = $taskResource.taskState
$errorMessage = $error[0].Exception.Message
$errorCount = $errorCount + 1
$status = "RequestFailed"
Start-Sleep -s 15

# Update progress bar
if ($global:interactiveMode -eq 1)
$trimmedPercent = ($taskResource.completedSteps) / 5
$progressBar = "[" + "=" * $trimmedPercent + " " * (20 - $trimmedPercent) + "]"
Write-Host "`r Backup progress: $progressBar " $taskResource.completedSteps "%" -NoNewline

# Reset the error count since progress information was successfully retrieved
$errorCount = 0

# If the backup is still running, wait a bit, and then check again
if ($status -eq "Running")
Start-Sleep -s 20

} while (($status -eq "Running" -or $status -eq "RequestFailed") -and $errorCount -lt 20);

# if the backup reported an abnormal state, report the state and exit function
if ($status -ne "Completed")
if ($global:interactiveMode -eq 1)
Write-Host "`n"
Write-Host "Backup stopped abnormally"
Write-Host $errorMessage
#log error message
Write-EventLog -EventId 100 -LogName Application -Source backup.ps1 -Message "Backup stopped abnormally"

Write-EventLog -EventId 100 -LogName Application -Source backup.ps1 -Message $errorMessage
return $null

# upon successful completion of task, outputs a hash table which contains task resource
Write-Host "`n"

##### Gets the backup resource #####
function get-backupResource ([object]$taskResource,[string]$authValue,[string]$hostname)
Gets the Uri for the backup resource from the task resource and gets the backup resource

.PARAMETER taskResource
The task resource object that we use to get the Uri for the backup resource

.PARAMETER authValue
The authorized sessionID

.PARAMETER hostname
the appliance to connect to (in https://{ipaddress} format)

None, does not accept piping

The backup resource object

$backupResource = get-BackupResource $taskResource $sessionID $applianceName

288 Beispiele für Sicherungs- und Wiederherstellungsskripts
